Friday, 8 September 2017

Using WildFly Elytron with Undertow Standalone

The WildFly Elytron project has been developed to provide the security requirements of the WildFly application server, however the development of WildFly Elytron has produced a security framework which does not depend on the application and can be used outside of the application server.

This means that it is possible to use WildFly Elytron in situations outside of the application server, this blog post demonstrates how WildFly Elytron can be used to secure an embedded Undertow server.

If you visit the main page for Undertow towards the bottom of the page is a code example showing how to start a simple HelloWorld server using Async IO.

This blog post goes one step further and illustrates how WildFly Elytron can be added to the example to secure access to the HttpHandler using HTTP Basic authentication.

The components demonstrated in this example are the same components we use within the application server, the difference being that they are programatically configured and wired together rather than using the subsystem for configuration.

The code for the example can be found in the project called 'undertow-standalone' in the Git repository


The example project has the following key dependencies although these will pull in some additional dependencies.

This is the main dependency on Undertow, this example is only demonstrating with the core Undertow APIs so the servlet dependency is not required.
This is the dependency on the WildFly Elytron security framework.
The Undertow project does not have a dependency on WildFly Elytron and the Elytron project does not have a dependency on Undertow, the Elytron Web project acts as an intermediate project to join the two together.

In future releases of Elytron Web we may also be able to look into integration with other servers following a similar pattern to how we have integrated with Undertow.


The initial example is very similar to the example on, the main difference being the call to a method 'wrap' to wrap the HttpHandler.

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final SecurityDomain securityDomain = createSecurityDomain();

        Undertow server = Undertow.builder()
                .addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
                .setHandler(wrap(new HttpHandler() {

          public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) 
               throws Exception {
  put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");                       
  send("Hello " + securityDomain.getCurrentSecurityIdentity().getPrincipal().getName());
                 }, securityDomain)).build();

The first thing to happen during wrapping is an Elytron security domain is assembled, this domain contains a single user 'elytron' with a password of 'Coleoptera'.

    private static SecurityDomain createSecurityDomain() throws Exception {
        PasswordFactory passwordFactory = PasswordFactory.getInstance(ALGORITHM_CLEAR, elytronProvider);

        Map<String, SimpleRealmEntry> passwordMap = new HashMap<>();
        passwordMap.put("elytron", new SimpleRealmEntry(Collections.singletonList(new PasswordCredential(passwordFactory.generatePassword(new ClearPasswordSpec("Coleoptera".toCharArray()))))));

        SimpleMapBackedSecurityRealm simpleRealm = new SimpleMapBackedSecurityRealm(() -> new Provider[] { elytronProvider });

        SecurityDomain.Builder builder = SecurityDomain.builder()

        builder.addRealm("TestRealm", simpleRealm).build();
        builder.setPermissionMapper((principal, roles) -> PermissionVerifier.from(new LoginPermission()));


In this example a simple in memory security realm backed by a Map is used, however any of the other Elytron security realms could be used or even a custom security realm implementation if desired.

After assembling the security domain the next step is creating a HttpAuthenticationFactory, the HttpAuthenticationFactory is the overall authentication policy that makes authentication mechanisms backed by the security domain available.

    private static HttpAuthenticationFactory createHttpAuthenticationFactory(final SecurityDomain securityDomain) {
        HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory providerFactory = new SecurityProviderServerMechanismFactory(() -> new Provider[] {elytronProvider});
        HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory httpServerMechanismFactory = new FilterServerMechanismFactory(providerFactory, true, "BASIC");

        return HttpAuthenticationFactory.builder()
                                .addMechanismRealm(MechanismRealmConfiguration.builder().setRealmName("Elytron Realm").build())

At this stage we can see how the original HttpHandler is wrapped using the resulting HttpAuthenticationFactory and some additional Elytron and Undertow APIs to enable security.

    private static HttpHandler wrap(final HttpHandler toWrap, final SecurityDomain securityDomain) {
        HttpAuthenticationFactory httpAuthenticationFactory = createHttpAuthenticationFactory(securityDomain);

        HttpHandler rootHandler = new ElytronRunAsHandler(toWrap);

        rootHandler = new AuthenticationCallHandler(rootHandler);
        rootHandler = new AuthenticationConstraintHandler(rootHandler);

        return ElytronContextAssociationHandler.builder()
                .setMechanismSupplier(() -> {
                    try {
                        return Collections.singletonList(httpAuthenticationFactory.createMechanism("BASIC"));
                    } catch (HttpAuthenticationException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);

Build and Run

The example project is a standard Maven project so provided Maven is installed along with Java 8 the project can be built using 'mvn install'.

Once built the server can be started using the exec plug-in 'mvn exec:exec'.  This should result in the server starting and listening on port 8080 for incoming requests.

Note: As an example project there is not a lot of output from the project to the console, feel free to add more output if desired to see each stage as it occurs.

After starting the project you should be able to access the server using curl.

undertow-standalone]$ curl -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.53.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Connection: keep-alive
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Elytron Realm"
< Content-Length: 0
< Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2017 15:16:30 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact

At this stage curl was not supplied with any user details so we can see the HTTP Basic authentication challenge and the request ends.

If we now provide a username and enter the password when prompted we see a full HTTP exchange.

undertow-standalone]$ curl -v --user elytron
Enter host password for user 'elytron':
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'elytron'
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Authorization: Basic ZWx5dHJvbjpDb2xlb3B0ZXJh
> User-Agent: curl/7.53.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Content-Length: 13
< Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2017 15:17:45 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact
Hello elytron

The 'Hello elytron' returned at the end is the message from the HttpHandler where 'elytron' is the name of the authenticated principal calling the HttpHandler.

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